Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Free Essays on Psychologyand Social Phobia
Presentation The writer of this exposition will mean to give a meaning of Psychology, choose and characterize a contemporary medical problem. The creator will likewise demonstrate the degree of the contemporary medical problem and talk about the attributes of this medical problem including the impacts of any medicines and the effect on ââ¬Ënormal lifeââ¬â¢. The creator will likewise show if this medical problem is of, or ought to have any worry for people in general. At long last the creator will survey two mental methodologies and apply at least one ways to deal with the contemporary medical problem chose. Before we can survey any mental methodology we should initially comprehend the meaning of brain research. ââ¬Å"Perhaps the most uncontrollably acknowledged meaning of brain science is that it is the logical investigation of conduct and experienceâ⬠. (Wadeley, Birch and Malim 1997). Therapists have built up a few hypotheses and ways to deal with clarify human conduct however not one single hypothesis or approach can clarify all of human conduct. The writer has picked as his contemporary medical problem for this exposition fears and specifically social fear. What is a fear? A fear is a sort of nervousness issue. Basically it is characterized as an unreasonable dread of an article or circumstance of which the victim has a convincing need to escape or maintain a strategic distance from the phobic item or circumstance. (Beck A.T and Emery G 1985) Fears are the feelings of trepidation that mankind and creature kind have, yet how would they emerge. Do they emerge from past examples, as well as are they gained from others. How does the body respond to these fears. These occurrences must be awful or for what other reason would they create any mutilations. When the dread is found out from one being to different, does this mean it is infectious, or it tends to be spread to the entirety of the populace? Entrenched fears can endure forever, which is the reason it is so frequently difficult to defeat a fear. It might be so profoundly established in the individual that some may have t... Free Essays on Psychologyand Social Phobia Free Essays on Psychologyand Social Phobia Presentation The writer of this paper will intend to give a meaning of Psychology, choose and characterize a contemporary medical problem. The creator will likewise demonstrate the degree of the contemporary medical problem and talk about the attributes of this medical problem including the impacts of any medicines and the effect on ââ¬Ënormal lifeââ¬â¢. The creator will likewise demonstrate if this medical problem is of, or ought to have any worry for people in general. At long last the creator will audit two mental methodologies and apply at least one ways to deal with the contemporary medical problem chose. Before we can audit any mental methodology we should initially comprehend the meaning of brain research. ââ¬Å"Perhaps the most uncontrollably acknowledged meaning of brain research is that it is the logical investigation of conduct and experienceâ⬠. (Wadeley, Birch and Malim 1997). Clinicians have built up a few speculations and ways to deal with clarify human conduct yet not one single hypothesis or approach can clarify all of human conduct. The writer has picked as his contemporary medical problem for this paper fears and specifically social fear. What is a fear? A fear is a sort of tension issue. Basically it is characterized as a silly dread of an article or circumstance of which the victim has a convincing need to escape or dodge the phobic item or circumstance. (Beck A.T and Emery G 1985) Fears are the feelings of dread that mankind and creature kind have, yet how would they emerge. Do they emerge from past examples, as well as are they gained from others. How does the body respond to these fears. These occasions must be horrible or for what other reason would they bring on any bends. When the dread is found out from one being to different, does this mean it is infectious, or it very well may be spread to the entirety of the populace? Settled fears can endure forever, which is the reason it is so frequently difficult to conquer a fear. It might be so profoundly established in the individual that some may have t...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Role of Psychology in Understanding Essay Example for Free
The Role of Psychology in Understanding Essay General Health Problems, for example, Coronary Heart Disease and Chronic Headaches Psychology has done a lot in instructing individuals about the procedures and the manners in which the human brain effects and influences body frameworks. Throughout the years, this field of science has given individuals bases of understanding a few subjective procedures and issues which individuals manage ordinary. In any case, as an expansive field, brain science stretches out to elucidate other general medical problems regarding mental causes, impacts, and mediations. A portion of these medical issues which brain science covers today are the Coronary Heart Ailment and instances of Chronic Headaches. Henceforth, this paper expects to talk about and clarify how the field of Psychology can be identified with and how it can expound on these medical issues. Brain science in Coronary Heart Disease Heart illness has been known everywhere throughout the world to be one of the most widely recognized reasons for death. In the United States alone, two powerless hearts radiate and bite the dust each moment because of heart illnesses and other heart-related conditions (Clay, 2007). Thinking about this idea, it isn't only the field of Cardiology that is turning out to be on disposing of these lethal medical issues. Over the ongoing years, a field called Psychocardiology or heart brain research presently opens ways to clarify how psychosocial components and intercessions can add to the obtaining of the infection (Clay, 2007). Coronary Heart Disease or CHD is a general term which relates to the condition wherein cardiovascular infirmity results from the deficiency of oxygen that arrives at the heart (Feuerstein, Labbe, Kuczmierczyk, 1986). The infection is generally perceived everywhere throughout the world because of its unpleasant lethal rates which make data battle about the malady extremely huge. Albeit numerous individuals know the fundamentals about CHD, what some of them don't have the foggiest idea yet is that there is a sure piece of the infection that must be clarified by psychocardiology. Psychocardiology characterizes the unmistakable character which has been seen as in danger of gaining CHD the most. This was recognized as the Type An individual. Feuerstein, Labbe, and Kuczmierczyk (1986) clarified this develop in their book, Health Psychology. Type A people are described as individuals who effectively and additionally habitually get anxious over regular ordinary exercises and experience trouble in concentrating on each movement in turn since they are consistently in a rush achieving their day by day undertakings. Individuals with air conditioning Type A character additionally will in general take an ever increasing number of obligations than what they can really suit (Feuerstein, Labbe, Kuczmierczyk, 1986). These sorts of individuals are seen as progressively inclined to CHD since their practices and exercises significantly incite pressure and gloom. More noteworthy mental reactivity, which causes their cholesterol levels and their blood thickening occasions to rise, and forces heavier outstanding task at hand for the heart, was additionally found among Type A people (Feuerstein, Labbe Kuczmierczyk, 1986). Beside this, different investigations despite everything further demonstrate that there is immediate and strong association between mental conditions and CHD. Mental specialists have just centered around interior factors so as to see this assumed connection among brain research and CHD closer. It has been found that components, for example, gloom, tension, and social separation, which are for the most part side effects of certain mental issue, appear to contribute significantly to the procurement of CHD (Clay, 2007). Sooner or later, global cardiologists played out an overall review and evaluated 12,000 CHD patients. The study incorporates models which decide if they fit the bill to a condition of misery before the determination of CHD. The outcomes report that half of the reviewed patients indicated chronicles of despondency which more probable can be considered as a main consideration that drove them to CHD (Marano, 2003). In checking on these investigations and looks into in the field of psychocardiology, it might give the idea that brain research for sure connected with a ton of other medical issues and issues, for example, liquor abuse, smoking, illicit drug use, eating issues and numerous others. Much the same as in CHD, these wellbeing conditions comprise of elements and mediations which are credited to peopleââ¬â¢s conduct, social security, and character and must be clarified through the standards and ideas in brain science. Brain science can enter the genuine picture of CHD in a basic factor as pressure. Stress is regularly underestimated as a typical marvel, yet with the investigation of brain research and its relationship with CHD, it very well may be seen that pressure has more to it than what individuals think about, in light of the fact that with the investigation of psychocardiology, it tends to be comprehended that pressure can really prompt the lethal CHD. Therefore, a few elements and mediations, for example, anxiety and stress can be underestimated notwithstanding the clarifications brought by brain research. Be that as it may, beside CHD, there are as yet an incredible number of normal wellbeing conditions which brain research attempts to investigate. One of these conditions is the normal instance of Chronic Headaches. Brain research in Chronic Headaches The torment and awful disquiet brought by migraines cause discouragement among patients everywhere throughout the world. This infection has likewise been one the most widely recognized wellsprings of dissatisfaction and gloom because of the exasperating torment it causes (Disorbio, 2008). The principle focal point of help and fix in constant migraine cases is the wellspring of torment. Torment can be viewed as the major baffling variable in these cases. As a physiological sign, torment is for the most part ascribed to physical variables. Be that as it may, a few far reaching concentrates on torment like in interminable cerebral pains conditions have been led having specific spotlight on the mental viewpoint. These investigations chip away at distinguishing social and subjective elements that influence torment and furthermore the fitting conduct treatment for this condition. In understanding incessant migraines in this point of view, one may find that the way toward considering enthusiastic and tactile thoughts directly affects the force of the felt torment (Borkum, 2007). Related investigations likewise show proof that an individualââ¬â¢s thoughtfulness regarding and center around the torment without a doubt cause the condition to deteriorate in differed levels. Brain science additionally has an applicable impact in recognizing a few mental elements which can realize interminable cerebral pains. The typical instances of cerebral pains like pressure migraines and headaches have been found to have some association with an individualââ¬â¢s enthusiastic solidness. An individual was seen as increasingly inclined to endure these sorts of cerebral pains when the person is presented to discouraging family condition and is confined from companions and other huge others (Disorbio, 2008). This was found to be conceivable since these individuals who have more fragile enthusiastic states will in general arrangement with dissatisfaction and sorrow all the more deficiently, and they additionally will in general have an increasingly negative attitude toward things, including torment. Along these lines, through brain research, incessant agony can be treated through seeing how thinking can get over the individualââ¬â¢s resistance of torment. A few investigations have additionally demonstrated that a level of torment control can be cultivated by digressing oneââ¬â¢s thoughtfulness regarding different undertakings and items beside the torment (Borkum, 2007). In many centers, it tends to be seen that specialists are beginning to show their patients a few different ways on redirecting their consideration from the agony to different things. This is a result of the thought that mental procedures have a significant impact in oneââ¬â¢s resilience and patience for torment. Thus, it might give the idea that in spite of the fact that these wellbeing conditions commonly have the organic clarification and foundation in talking about their temperament and treatment, the field of brain research clearly enormously adds to understanding different parts of these conditions by clarifying the mental intercessions and reasons for such wellbeing conditions. In spite of the fact that the mental clarification for these wellbeing conditions may not be as mainstream as the information on individuals about their physical reasons, it despite everything seems obvious that brain science assumes a noteworthy job in understanding these medical issues from an alternate point of view. References Borkum, J. M. (2007). Interminable Headaches: Biology, Psychology, and Behavioral Treatment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence and Erlbaum Associates. Dirt, R. A. (2007). One Heart-Many Threats. Screen on Psychology, 38 (1), 46. Recovered December 17, 2008 from American Psychological Association (APA) On the web: http://www. html. Disorbio, M. (2008, March 27). The Psychology of agony cerebral pains. National Pain Foundation. Recovered December 18, 2008 from http://www. nationalpainfoundation. organization/MyTreatment/articles/Headache_TO_Psychology. asp. Feuerstein, M. , Labbe, E. E. Kuczmierczyk, A. R. (1986). Wellbeing Psychology: A Psychobiological Perspective. New York, NY: Springer Publication. Marano, H. E. (2003, Januray 3). Heart spared: rewarding sadness may forestall heart-related passings. Brain research Today. Recovered December 18, 2008 from http://www. psychologytoday. com/articles/pto-20030103-000011. html.
Victim Advocacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Casualty Advocacy - Essay Example Casualty Advocacy includes the contending or arguing for a case. It is giving dynamic help and advancing the victimsââ¬â¢ interests, protect and maintain them as right or substantial. Casualty advocates center around advancing victimsââ¬â¢ rights and needs, and ensuring that their conclusions are considered during the drafting of arrangement and enactment influencing them (Ido Foundation, 2012). Being United Statesââ¬â¢ driving backing and asset association for wrongdoing casualties, the National Center for Victims of Crime enables numerous casualties: to comprehend their alternatives and lawful rights; conquer injury brought about by wrongdoing; get to casualty crisis and remuneration help; gadget wellbeing plans; and find fitting administrations locally (The National Center for Victims of Crime, 2012). ââ¬ËThe National Center for Victims of Crimeââ¬â¢ advocates for the privileges of casualties, fills in as a data source on issues of casualties, and gives proficient p reparing to individuals who communicate with the people in question (Womens, nd). Its vision was roused by a family catastrophe: Alexander Auersperg and Ala Isham began the Center in 1985, initially as the Sunny Von Bulow National Victim Advocacy Center. They were inspired by the exploitation of their mom and the horrible experience the family suffered with the equity framework. ... It makes sure about assets for wrongdoing casualties by carrying out to the expansion of wrongdoing victimsââ¬â¢ government subsidizing and guaranteeing that state wellsprings of financing are protected.à It has extended and fortified the privileges of wrongdoing casualties in the adolescent, criminal, managerial, and common equity systems.à It advances conversations about underserved and rising wrongdoing victimsââ¬â¢ issues. The Center qualities preparing and training as instruments for improving the treatment and comprehension of wrongdoing casualties. Projects and preparing exercises have been created by the inside to go about as an asset for experts who speak to the points of view of the people in question, create administrations, cultivate for change, and bring issues to light (The National Center for Victims of Crime, 2012). The National Center for Victims of Crime holds theme explicit and general meetings to stress on the multidisciplinary thought of ebb and flow look into sharing practices, and the viable arrangements and projects which are investigate educated, proof based, and casualty focused. These gatherings go about as casualty administration discussions for policymakers, experts in criminal equity, specialists, and associated professionals to fabricate joint efforts and offer turns of events. The middle likewise has a DNA Resource Center which goes about as a hotspot for data, specialized help, and preparing about DNA use in the equity framework. Its command is to help experts of criminal equity and casualty administration to comprehend DNA databases, scientific DNA, and medical caretaker examinersââ¬â¢ jobs in helping DNA absolutions survivors. This task has a job of guaranteeing that united experts and casualty administration have state-of-the-art and precise data so as to
Friday, August 21, 2020
Responsibility :: essays research papers
Duties are a higher priority than Rights Everyone has rights and obligations. Rights are things that individuals are so anyone might hear to do. Obligations are things that individuals are required to do. In this article, I will be revealing to you a few realities why duties are increasingly significant in the general public of Waknuk. The primary point is David's dad; Joseph Storm despises offenses and profanations due to his religion. Next is Old Jacob feels that rules ought to be changed in Waknuk in light of the fact that he needs it to resemble when his dad was near. Finally Alan Ervin identifies the contemplations and shapes gathering and that Sophie has a 6th toe. The individuals in Waknuk put stock in duties over rights. David's dad, Joseph Storm, despises offenses and lewdnesses in view of how he was raised by his folks. David is discussing the individuals in his family. He is discussing his dad and especially about his solid strict convictions. He said that offenses are creatures or plants that are twisted. His dad despises offenses and he slaughters them in a nauseating manner in view of his religion. David was clarifying the procedure of how his dad managed offenses. "That was on the grounds that an event of an offense was now and then a noteworthy event. Normally the main event that one happened was that my dad came into the house in a terrible temper. At that point at night he would assemble all of us including everybody who dealt with the homestead. We would all bow while he announced our contrition and drove supplications for pardoning. The following morning we would be up for sunlight and accumulate in the yard. As the sun rose we sang a psalm while my dad ritualistically butchered the two headed calf, four legged chicken or whatever sort of offense it happened to be. Now and again it would be a lot queerer than thoseâ⬠¦" (The Chrysalids Pg. 18) David's dad believes that it is an obligation to slaughter any offenses. He does this since that is the thing that his religion has instructed him to do and dependent on how he was raised by his folks. He along these lines, has these emotions and doesn't know about some other perspective. Simultaneously he makes reference to that a disrespect is a twisted human. His dad despises obscenities since they are like an offense; they are not creatures or plants, yet people. "And in the event that it occurs among individuals it was a lewdness.
Spring 2017 Edition
Read These Essay Collections Winter/Spring 2017 Edition Im always on the look-out for new and interesting essay collections, and the first half of this year has a bunch of good ones on offer. Okay, the first two are from the end of last year, so I cheated a little bit, but I didnt want you to miss them. I think theres something on this list for many different types of readers, whether youre a regular essay-reader or not. Some of these essay collections will appeal to lovers of books about books. Some will appeal to those who want to read about culture, science, or religion. Still others will appeal to those who want to read something personal, something funny, something philosophical, or something beautifully written. Some essay collections contain all these things. So check them out! If a book is not yet published, I included the publication date and publisher so you can easily add it to your wishlist. The Crunk Feminist Collection, edited by Brittney C. Cooper, Susanna M. Morris, and Robin M. Boylorn: The Crunk Feminist Collective began as a blog devoted to race, gender, pop culture, and current events, run by three academics wanting to have real, deep conversations about race and culture. Now they have gathered their work into an engaging, vital collection that will appeal to readers of all kinds. Waveform: Twenty-First-Century Essays by Women, edited by Marcia Aldrich: This volume collects essays by Eula Biss, Meghan Daum, Margo Jefferson, Cheryl Strayed, Roxane Gay, and many more. Its a celebration of women writers and the contributions they have made to the essay form. Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living, edited by Manjula Martin: Every wondered how to make money as a writer, or whether thats even possible? This collection brings together writers such as Cheryl Strayed, Jennifer Weiner, Alexander Chee, and many more, to discuss the realities of money, writing, and life. Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World, edited by Kelly Jensen: Full disclosure: Kelly Jensen is a Book Riot editor. Here We Are contains many genres, including essays, poems, and comics, about what it means to be a feminist today. Writers include Nova Ren Suma, Malinda Lo, politician Wendy Davis, and many more. 300 Arguments, by Sarah Manguso: Want something short that will make you think deeply? This book is a collection of aphorisms and offers the pleasure of reading each argument separately, while pondering how they work together to create a whole. How We Speak to One Another, edited by Ander Monson and Craig Reinbold: This collection is perfect for those who like books about books: it brings together over 40 pieces in which writers respond to the essays that have most moved, changed, and influenced them. Animals Strike Curious Poses, by Elena Passarello: Here you will find 16 essays about animals, each one covering an animal named and made famous by humans. The pieces move from animals into history, myth, and science. All the Lives I Want: Essays About My Best Friends Who Happen to Be Famous Strangers, by Alana Massey: This book has a fabulous subtitle. Its a collection of essays about personal experience and pop culture, looking at figures such as Britney Spears, Sylvia Plath, Joan Didion, and Courtney Love. Practice Resurrection: And Other Essays, by Erik Reece: This book contains essays on religion, family, and the natural world and helps readers think about human spirituality and the environment. This is a book especially for readers of Wendell Berry. An Arrangement of Skin: Essays, by Anna Journey: The subjects in this collection are varied, but they focus on identity, the many skins we inhabit in a life, as the publisher puts it. This is a book for lovers of the lyric essay and those interested in experiments in the essay as a form. More Alive and Less Lonely: On Books and Writers, by Jonathan Lethem: Here youll find over a decade of Lethems essays on books and writing, including new material and previously published works. This is perfect for fans of Lethems novels and for those who cant get enough of writing about writing. Body Horror: Capitalism, Fear, Misogyny, Jokes, by Anne Elizabeth Moore (Curbside Splendor, March 27th): This books subtitle should draw you into this collection of essays on womens bodies in our misogynistic, capitalistic world. These essays contain personal and journalistic writing and a healthy dose of humor. Somebody With a Little Hammer: Essays, by Mary Gaitskill (Pantheon, April 4th): These pieces were written over the course of a couple decades and cover a range of topics including books and authors; musicians, artists, and celebrities; and cultural and political movements and debates. The History of the Future: American Essays, by Edward McPherson (Coffee House Press, April 10th): As the subtitle promises, here are essays about America: its places, its history, and its myths. Topics include fracking, Dallas and Dallas, the St. Louis Worlds Fair, and more. Too Much and Not the Mood: Essays, by Durga Chew-Bose (FSG Originals, April 11th): Chew-Boses writing is lovely; it will make you slow down to treasure every word. Her essays are personal in focus, while at the same reaching toward the philosophical and the poetic. Sunshine State: Essays, by Sarah Gerard (Harper Perennial, April 11th): Here is another essay collection that has a lot to tell us about America. Gerard focuses on Florida and from there moves into the personal, and into politics, the economy, and the environment. American Originality: Essays on Poetry, by Louise Glück (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 18th): If you follow contemporary American poetry, you may have come across Louise Glücks work. Here she is writing essays on poetry, with a new look at whats going on in the poetry world today. One Day Well All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter: Essays, by Scaachi Koul (Picador, May 2nd): If youre in the mood for some humorous essays, you might check out this book, a debut collection that touches on race and culture, gender roles, parents, the internet, and more. Aliens: The Worlds Leading Scientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life, edited by Jim Al-Khalili (Picador, May 9th): Heres a collection for all you lovers of science. This book brings together scientists from around the world to discuss the latest research and theories on the search for intelligent life in the universe. We Are Never Meeting in Real Life: Essays, by Samantha Irby (Vintage, May 30th): Irbys previous essay collection Meaty was hilarious. Here is her follow-up, with more of what she is so good at: comic personal essays on the trials and tribulations of contemporary life. Want even more essay collections? Weve got 100 of them. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.
Spring 2017 Edition
Read These Essay Collections Winter/Spring 2017 Edition Im always on the look-out for new and interesting essay collections, and the first half of this year has a bunch of good ones on offer. Okay, the first two are from the end of last year, so I cheated a little bit, but I didnt want you to miss them. I think theres something on this list for many different types of readers, whether youre a regular essay-reader or not. Some of these essay collections will appeal to lovers of books about books. Some will appeal to those who want to read about culture, science, or religion. Still others will appeal to those who want to read something personal, something funny, something philosophical, or something beautifully written. Some essay collections contain all these things. So check them out! If a book is not yet published, I included the publication date and publisher so you can easily add it to your wishlist. The Crunk Feminist Collection, edited by Brittney C. Cooper, Susanna M. Morris, and Robin M. Boylorn: The Crunk Feminist Collective began as a blog devoted to race, gender, pop culture, and current events, run by three academics wanting to have real, deep conversations about race and culture. Now they have gathered their work into an engaging, vital collection that will appeal to readers of all kinds. Waveform: Twenty-First-Century Essays by Women, edited by Marcia Aldrich: This volume collects essays by Eula Biss, Meghan Daum, Margo Jefferson, Cheryl Strayed, Roxane Gay, and many more. Its a celebration of women writers and the contributions they have made to the essay form. Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living, edited by Manjula Martin: Every wondered how to make money as a writer, or whether thats even possible? This collection brings together writers such as Cheryl Strayed, Jennifer Weiner, Alexander Chee, and many more, to discuss the realities of money, writing, and life. Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World, edited by Kelly Jensen: Full disclosure: Kelly Jensen is a Book Riot editor. Here We Are contains many genres, including essays, poems, and comics, about what it means to be a feminist today. Writers include Nova Ren Suma, Malinda Lo, politician Wendy Davis, and many more. 300 Arguments, by Sarah Manguso: Want something short that will make you think deeply? This book is a collection of aphorisms and offers the pleasure of reading each argument separately, while pondering how they work together to create a whole. How We Speak to One Another, edited by Ander Monson and Craig Reinbold: This collection is perfect for those who like books about books: it brings together over 40 pieces in which writers respond to the essays that have most moved, changed, and influenced them. Animals Strike Curious Poses, by Elena Passarello: Here you will find 16 essays about animals, each one covering an animal named and made famous by humans. The pieces move from animals into history, myth, and science. All the Lives I Want: Essays About My Best Friends Who Happen to Be Famous Strangers, by Alana Massey: This book has a fabulous subtitle. Its a collection of essays about personal experience and pop culture, looking at figures such as Britney Spears, Sylvia Plath, Joan Didion, and Courtney Love. Practice Resurrection: And Other Essays, by Erik Reece: This book contains essays on religion, family, and the natural world and helps readers think about human spirituality and the environment. This is a book especially for readers of Wendell Berry. An Arrangement of Skin: Essays, by Anna Journey: The subjects in this collection are varied, but they focus on identity, the many skins we inhabit in a life, as the publisher puts it. This is a book for lovers of the lyric essay and those interested in experiments in the essay as a form. More Alive and Less Lonely: On Books and Writers, by Jonathan Lethem: Here youll find over a decade of Lethems essays on books and writing, including new material and previously published works. This is perfect for fans of Lethems novels and for those who cant get enough of writing about writing. Body Horror: Capitalism, Fear, Misogyny, Jokes, by Anne Elizabeth Moore (Curbside Splendor, March 27th): This books subtitle should draw you into this collection of essays on womens bodies in our misogynistic, capitalistic world. These essays contain personal and journalistic writing and a healthy dose of humor. Somebody With a Little Hammer: Essays, by Mary Gaitskill (Pantheon, April 4th): These pieces were written over the course of a couple decades and cover a range of topics including books and authors; musicians, artists, and celebrities; and cultural and political movements and debates. The History of the Future: American Essays, by Edward McPherson (Coffee House Press, April 10th): As the subtitle promises, here are essays about America: its places, its history, and its myths. Topics include fracking, Dallas and Dallas, the St. Louis Worlds Fair, and more. Too Much and Not the Mood: Essays, by Durga Chew-Bose (FSG Originals, April 11th): Chew-Boses writing is lovely; it will make you slow down to treasure every word. Her essays are personal in focus, while at the same reaching toward the philosophical and the poetic. Sunshine State: Essays, by Sarah Gerard (Harper Perennial, April 11th): Here is another essay collection that has a lot to tell us about America. Gerard focuses on Florida and from there moves into the personal, and into politics, the economy, and the environment. American Originality: Essays on Poetry, by Louise Glück (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 18th): If you follow contemporary American poetry, you may have come across Louise Glücks work. Here she is writing essays on poetry, with a new look at whats going on in the poetry world today. One Day Well All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter: Essays, by Scaachi Koul (Picador, May 2nd): If youre in the mood for some humorous essays, you might check out this book, a debut collection that touches on race and culture, gender roles, parents, the internet, and more. Aliens: The Worlds Leading Scientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life, edited by Jim Al-Khalili (Picador, May 9th): Heres a collection for all you lovers of science. This book brings together scientists from around the world to discuss the latest research and theories on the search for intelligent life in the universe. We Are Never Meeting in Real Life: Essays, by Samantha Irby (Vintage, May 30th): Irbys previous essay collection Meaty was hilarious. Here is her follow-up, with more of what she is so good at: comic personal essays on the trials and tribulations of contemporary life. Want even more essay collections? Weve got 100 of them. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Applied Research and Evaluation What is Program Assessment - 2200 Words
Applied Research and Evaluation: What is Program Assessment (Research Paper Sample) Content: Applied Research and Evaluation[Student Nameà ¢Ã¢â ¬s][Institution]Applied Research and EvaluationNational Research Center, Inc. (NRC) is a research corporation specializing in performance assessment and measurement. The organization carries out survey research via mail, on the internet, phone and in-person. They analyze existing and new data sets employing sophisticated inferential methods or simple description of data. In addition to quantitative analyses, the firm designs as well as conducts focus groups and other qualitative evaluations. Their customers often are not-for-profit human agencies, foundations and local governments. Customers are helped with tracking resident or customer opinion concerning service delivery. NRC assists their customers by measuring policy or program outcomes and carrying out assessments of the client or community needs. They also offer training in survey research and outcome measurement (O'Sullivan et al., 2008).National Research Cen ter, Inc. (NRC) is a leading evaluation and research firm specializing on the data requirements of the civic sector, comprising health care providers, non-profit agencies, foundations, as well as local governments. They are a highly experienced team of social science and civic health researchers doing a full range of quality research to assist institutions measure their efficiency and comprehend the perspectives of their staff, and potential and current clients. NRC performs needsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ assessments, conducts civic opinion surveys, assesses existing programs, as well as assists organizations to develop and test expected policies.NRC offers trainings as well as writes curricula and instruction manuals on the methods and makes use of assessment and survey research. The studyà ¢Ã¢â ¬s results are employed to budget for better or new services, benchmark best practices, increase sustainability, enhance performance, improve outcomes, satisfy client or consumer preferences and boost funding, as well as revenue generation. Staff members of NRC are fluent both in quantitative and qualitative research strategies and often make use of both approaches in one study. They do process and result assessments and have broad experience carrying out surveys and interviews, convening focus groups, making use of secondary data sources and observational methods.The firm employs the framework and meta-analysis methods to integrate research findings, develops statistical models of what works, analyzes as well as boosts the psychometric properties of data collection tools. National Research Center data analysis approaches comprise a broad array of analytic methods: descriptive data analyses, for instance, frequency distributions; cross-tabulations and measures of central tendency; inferential tests, for example, chi-square and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Moreover, NRC performs sophisticated analyses, for example, modeling with logistic regression or hierarchical linear modelin g or multiple linear regression; time series analysis, as well as multi-factorial variance analysis; structural tests employing cluster analysis or factor analysis (Garson, 2009).The companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬s real world approach to evaluation and research enables NRC to work with customers, which enables to design best research policies given constraint of money and time. They delight themselves on their interest to cultural context in every aspect of their work. This feeling is perceived in the design, instrumentation, and analysis that they recommend as well as in their reports. They strive to create partnerships with the institutions they assess, in order to build the necessary trust for the triumphant results since their work is to boost the life quality of their customers (ASPA, 2006). NRC partnered with the County Management/ International City Association in 2001 and formed The National Citizen Survey, a uniform survey instrument employed by broadly diverse local jurisdictions cros sways the U.S. to evaluate resident contentment with government service provision and community amenities.The National Research Center was developed to offer a statistically valid resident opinions survey concerning community, as well as services offered by local government. The survey results can be employed by staff, designated officials, as well as other stakeholders for resource allocation and community planning, policy making, program improvement and tracking changes in residentsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ opinions concerning government performance.Environmental issues à ¢Ã¢â ¬ focus groups and NRC surveys have offered direction in ecological studies regarding waste, water, open space, as well as energy issues. They have carried out surveys on water redundancy, water conservation, water reclamation, water quality, water billing, as well as use of coin operated washing machinery. NRC has gauged civic support and readiness to disburse for recycling programs, transit and alternate means of tra nsportation and open space acquisition. Their survey has frequently been employed to assess ecological programs, as well as policies via measuring changes in resident attitudes, knowledge, behaviors and intentions.Human services à ¢Ã¢â ¬ human services institutions have employed focus groups and surveys to assist plan and assess a variety of programs. NRC firm has carried out numerous studies of special populace needs, for instance, youth, older adults and low income residents. National Research Center has collaborated with and offered information to several community based institutions concerning the efficiency of services in topic areas, for instance, youth self-worth, conflict resolution, drug use and alcohol (substance) abuse, lifestyle and health issues, domestic violence and more.Community health à ¢Ã¢â ¬ public health sections have employed surveys as well as focus groups to generate increasingly healthy milieus for the residents. They have carried out surveys on mosqui to treatment, unintended pregnancy, smoking ordinances, leisure and recreation activities, access to health care and health-related matters affecting aged adults. The survey work with health care givers has included needs evaluations for new programs and facilities, patient satisfaction measurement and determination of civic assistance eligibility for uninsured patients. They have as well surveyed customers of community based institutions to evaluate improvement in the fields of food security, nutrition, obesity prevention and physical activity (Surveyspro, 2009).Research Questions * What is program assessment? * Why is program assessment necessary? * Why do the citizens who run businesses want to succeed? * What do business managers or owners deem about the services that local jurisdictions offer? * Which barricades inhibit strong trade in jurisdictions crossways the nation? * What are the gaps between services required by society members and accessible resources? * What are the ba rricades to getting services that exist? * Are the older inhabitants in a society isolated by poor health, lack of transport or scarce chances that obstruct them to unite with other? * Should limited society money be directed to converse with a rapid growing number of new Americans who talk Spanish at domicile? Does this society require an inpatient hospital facility?Program EvaluationAccording to Booth et al (1995), institutions as well as private-sector agencies and publics often comprise assessment as an important element of their programmatic plans. Assessment is the use of defensible criteria to resolve the worth or merit of programs. Program assessment involves the methodical collection of data concerning a program, or some program aspect(s) to get to conclusions about the effectiveness or service delivery. The motive of program assessment comprise: oversight and compliance; judgment of worth or merit; knowledge development or organizational and program improvement. National R esearch Center, Inc has offered program assessment services versatile groups of customers.National Research Center has worked with units like The Colorado Trust and the Fund for Coloradoà ¢Ã¢â ¬s Future on a variety of multi-year education, multi-site, or health related initiatives. More frequently, they work with not-for-profit community based institutions: those serving domestic violence and sexual assault victims, dental aid, after-school programs, child care, Latino parents, African American leaders, homeless, elderly and more. They have youth-serving programs; printed outcome handbooks for older grown-ups; obesity prevention programs; society food security projects, and a toolkit to assist community based institutions and measure their efficiency.The assessment team at National Research Center comprises experts in research design, program evaluation, qualitative and quantitative methods, cost-benefit analyses and survey research. The employees have education as well as train ing in different fields comprising political science, education, public health, sociology, social work, psychology, criminal justice, and economics. The diversity in the professional and educational background of the group allows NRC professional to apply their familiarity with program assessment methods to the content fields, as per their customersà ¢Ã¢â ¬ needs.National Research Center Evaluation à ¢Ã¢â ¬ NRC employs a collaborative approach, working together with the customer to design and execute a comprehensive assessment. As a result, they offer several different program assessments within a diversity of activities that comprise: Summative and Formative Evaluation, Needs Assessments, Monitoring Studies and Outcome Evaluation or Process Evaluation. Needs assessment à ¢Ã¢â ¬ it is known as a feasibility study or market research in the private sector, and it drives business verdicts. In the wo...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Benefits of Reduced Drinking Age - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1437 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Lowering The Drinking Age Essay Did you like this example? In July of 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which denied highway funds to those states that failed to raise the legal alcohol age to 21.He also claimed ice cream to be a ââ¬Å"nutritious and wholesomeâ⬠food, to which he dedicated the month of July to. Despite President Reagan being a notably smart man, this could perhaps be a sign that not all high ranking politicians are the best decision makers. The debate on whether the United States drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18 or maintained at 21 has been an ongoing controversial dispute for years now. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Benefits of Reduced Drinking Age" essay for you Create order The United Kingdom, along with a considerable amount of other countries possess a constitutional drinking age of 18. It is argued that if the age is reduced, adolescents are at a higher risk of endangering themselves and those around them with impaired driving, increased sexual assault, and alcohol dependance. However, there are several other present factors that played a role in the drop of alcohol induced driving. Additionally, the present drinking age of 21 has not put an end to underage drinking, and if anything, has increased it. The U.S drinking age should be reduced to the age of 18, which is the age of majority in this country. Other countries drinking age The minimum drinking ages around the globe vary drastically. The current age that an adolescent is capable of legally buying or consuming alcohol in the United States is 21. The United Kingdom has obtained a drinking age of 18 since they passed the Licensing Act of 2003, and there has been insufficient issues dealing with underage drinking. In fact, a lot of adolescents actually refrain from abusing alcohol when they are told that they are allowed to. Because younger people are often attracted to what they cant have, when they are told to abstain from an activity, it only makes them want to do it more. According to Jacqueline Howard, author of the article, ââ¬Å" The countries where drinking is banned until 25 or allowed at 13â⬠, ââ¬Å"many European countries have recently seen a drop in alcohol use that mirrors the number of adolescents abstaining from drinking altogetherâ⬠. Moreover, the majority of other parts of the world also retain a drinking age that is lower than the U.S drinking age, most commonly being 18 years of age. The reason that these countries are able to have a lower drinking age with minimal complications is because unlike the U.S, alcohol is not seen as a poison or a magic remedy, and there is little to no social pressures to drink. These young adults observe and learn how to consume alcoholic beverages responsibly from their parents at home, and thoughtless behavior is never tolerated. Factors leading to less alcohol induced driving The majority believe that the drop in alcohol induced car accidents was due to the passing of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984, however that is not the primary cause. One of the main factors in the decrease of alcohol induced driving is the expansion of education on drunk driving. Adolescents and even adults are constantly being reminded of the dangers of drinking and driving, and ways to prevent it. Furthermore, taxi services such as uber and lyft have become more prominent and popular for those fond of getting intoxicated safely. Another factor that led to less alcohol induced driving is the introduction of designated drivers. These are drivers who are sober, and responsibly drive themselves and their friends home after a wild night out. Modern vehicles are also enhanced with several safety features, such as cruise control, and sensors that will stop the car if it appears to be too close to another object. In addition, many communities have adjusted the speed limit t o a slower speed and added speed bumps, which ultimately will cause less damage is a crash is to occur. The U.S has also introduced stronger laws against drunk driving, with punishments including but not limited to: suspended license, probation, fines, and even jail time. According to Olsen, author of ââ¬Å"Alcohol in America:Taking Action to Prevent Abuse,â⬠ââ¬Å"Many other strategies also have the potential to significantly reduce drunk driving. Together with the law, these strategies can have a major effect.â⬠If we incorporate the new and better enforced laws on driving under the influence, along with the education and safety precautions used now, there is no reason that an 18 year old would be less safe or responsible than a 21 year old. Underage drinking still occurs The U.S drinking age was raised to the age of 21 in order to keep teenagers away from the dangers that involve alcohol. However, adolescents are constantly associated with alcohol, no matter the legal status. The youths in this country continue to consume the stimulant, only now they handle it in private and less controlled environments. This leads to more health and life endangering behavior. According to Gabrielle Glaser, author of ââ¬Å"Return the Drinking Age to 18, and Enforce Itâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Raising the drinking age hasnt reduced drinking itââ¬â¢s merely driven it underground, to the riskiest of settings: unsupervised high school blowouts and fraternity parties that make Animal House look quaint.â⬠Adolescents try to hide when they drink from their parents, thus leading to them driving under the influence to disguise it. This also prompts these young adults to be dishonest to their family and are often found in dangerous situations that could be detrimental to thei r health. This is known as ââ¬Å"underground drinking.â⬠As an example, teenagers will often feel the need to be dishonest to their family about their whereabouts in order to venture out and consume alcoholic beverages. If their parents are unaware of their location, they will be blinded to any of the threats that can come to their child. Reducing the drinking age to 18 years of age will allow adolescents to drink alcohol in a more secure and safe environment, rather than in a irresponsible manner. The age of Majority In the United States, 18 is the age that is most highly celebrated amongst young adults. It is the year to celebrate graduating from a child, to an adult. And with this celebration, comes responsibility. At the age of 18, a person can legally buy a lottery ticket and officially gamble away as much money as they wish. This is also the age that a person can legally purchase and smoke cigarettes, which is known to be harmful and cause lung problems and cancers. That is why it is recognized as the ââ¬Å"age of majorityâ⬠. The age of 18 is when most teens receive the majority of adult rights and responsibilities. As an 18 year old, a person can risk their life to fight for this country, but they cant drink a beer? According to Monica Acevedo, author of ââ¬Å" The drinking age should be loweredâ⬠, ââ¬Å" under the eye of the law, we are trusted and believed to be able to comply with these opportunities and responsibilities without any issues. After all, we are adults, right?à ¢â¬ People of the age of 18, are capable of adopting and caring for a child, but yet are not responsible enough to purchase alcohol. This is the age when adolescents are hit with a bountiful amount of rights and responsibilities, some being dangerous and permanent. For instance, a young transgender teen is legally permitted to permanently go through a sex change operation, but is not rational and mature enough to drink at a bar. If 18 is the age of majority, when teens are to be seen and trusted to make decisions as an adult, they should have the opportunity to legally purchase and consume alcohol. It is no surprise that the consumption of alcohol is familiar among teenagers today, in defiance of the legality of it. There is constant talk of whether the legal alcohol age limit should maintained at the age of 21, or reduced to the age of majority, 18, like most countries around the world. Once a teenager reaches the age of 18, they are exposed to a great deal of new opportunities and possibilities. However, with all that, comes the abundance of responsibilities an adult faces also. If an 18 year old is expected to pay bills, vote, and even enroll in the civil service, why are they not allowed to drink responsibly as an adult as well?Nevertheless, these adolescents are continuing to consume alcohol on a regular basis, with no cares of the legal status. In order to do so, they are compelled to drink in an unsafe environment,without the consent or awareness of adults around them, thus putting them more at risk of dangers and health threats.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Genetic Engineering Technology - 1689 Words
Modern genetic engineering technologies are advancing, and genetically modifying a genome is becoming a reality. The Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated system (CAS9) genome editing system is the most advanced in use. CRISPR can edit a genome more accurately and with higher precision than any other system. The intended use of the CRISPR/CAS9 system is to insert a gene, delete a gene, or silence a gene, leading to powerful applications (Christensen and Choy 2017a). For example, scientists plan to use this technology to change the genome and resulting phenotype in the efforts to eliminate potentially lethal diseases. One such disease is Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquiredâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦CRISPR was first exploited in 2007, by a food ingredient company. Their focus was on applications of the system to fermented milk bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus) in the production of yogurt and cheese. By utilizing the CRISPR system, the company was able to vaccinate the bacteria used in their product against unwanted bacteriophages (Stachler and Marchfelder 2016a). Since then, the greater applications of the system have been realized. CRISPR is an adaptive natural immune system used by bacteria to protect against bacteriophages that replicate within the bacterium. It starts when a bacteriophage lands on the membrane of a bacterium cell, where it injects its DNA into the cell. Shortly after the DNA is injected, the infected bacterium detects the presence of bacteriophage DNA, leading to a production of a complex. The complex consists of the CAS9 nuclease and a twenty-base sequence short guide RNA known as sgRNA. The complex wraps around the bacteriophage DNA, and travels along until it reaches a targeted sequence indicated by the RNA. The sgRNA searches for complementary bases, only attaching at that region of the genome, ensuring the proper location. Upon reaching the location, the CAS9 enzyme will proceed to make a double stranded cleave through the DNA, disabling the bacteriophage and protecting the bacteria (Richter et al. 2012a). Bioengineers have generated a custom sgRNA within a CAS9 nuclease to search for a specific gene location within theShow MoreRelatedGenetic Engineering : An Unnatural Cell Invasion Technology2277 Words à |à 10 PagesGenetic engineering is a complex environmental health issue that presents several benefits and risks to both consumers and the environment. Genetic engineering is a technique used to produce genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are genetically altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating or natural recombination (WHO, 2014). In other words, genetic engineering is an unnatural cell invasion technology. This technology is used to grow genetically modified (GM) plants, which areRead MoreGenetic Engineering : A New Technology1311 Words à |à 6 PagesGenetic Engineering Genetic engineering is a new technology that is not utilized to its full potential. Often called modern biotechnology, genetic engineering can bring humanity into a better medical and agricultural age. Genetic engineering is an important scientific breakthrough because by altering DNA, scientists can improve food, create organs for transplant, and prevent certain diseases and birth defects. The field of genetic engineering has developed very quickly due to the greater understandingRead MoreGenetic Engineering : Technology, Equipment, And Experimentation Essay1678 Words à |à 7 Pagesdoesnââ¬â¢t seem realistic in this day and age, but this is what our world is heading towards due to enhancements in scientific knowledge, technology, equipment and experimentation. This enables these scientists to undergo the delicate process used to enhance the characteristics of the individual. This process is known as genetic engineering. The aim of genetic engineering is to add new genes that have not been found in the individual. This could involve changing a base pair A-T or C-G in the DNA. In orderRead MoreReaction Paper On Genetic Engineering Technology741 Words à |à 3 PagesWhat is I told you I could take your eyes and make them green, blue, even hazel?What if I said that all this could be done with a genetic engineering technology called CRISPR. CRISPR is a relatively new technology that can do just that and moreâ⬠¦Now when I say CRISPR most people automatically think about the area in the fridge where vegetables are stored, but its more than that and its going to change the world right before our changing eyes. 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Furthermore, numerous countries have never stopped the research on genetic engineering because they think the technology of gene will become the main competitiveness in the future. As a result for the rapid development of genetic engineering. With the development of this technology, someRead MoreGenetic Engineering : The Field Of Biomedical Research1710 Words à |à 7 PagesGenetic engineering is the latest experimental practice used in the world of biomedical research. This practice refers to humans modifying an animalsââ¬â¢ genetic component in order to express a particular trait (Dale et al). The scientific community calls the animals produced by this practice as transgenic animals in order to distinguish between its wild type relative. This innovative technology paved ways for medical breakthroughs, along with the expansion of human understanding towards the mechanismsRead MoreThe case for and against genetic engineering Essay examples640 Words à |à 3 Pages The case for and against genetic engineering I will look at the case for and against the use of genetic engineering and make a conclusion on whether or not I believe that it is right. As I believe in genetic engineering, I will start buy looking at the reasons that support it. The main reason that I support genetic engineering is that this technology has dramatically improved our ability to treat and even cure diseases and gentic disorders. If mRNA is isolated andRead MoreDesigner Babies Essay905 Words à |à 4 PagesAdolf Hitler. Designer Babies, a form of human genetic engineering, should be banned. When a human is created with a different embryo in a lab that child can feel a lost sense of identity; also, genetic engineering can lead to a loss of human diversity and an imbalance between the social classes; and the procedure for testing and creating genetically engineered children destroys embryos that had the potential of becoming a child. Genetic engineering is a field that is growing rapidly every singleRead MoreGenetic Engineering: Brave New World1012 Words à |à 5 PagesGenetic engineering has been around for many years and is widely used all over the planet. Many people donââ¬â¢t realize that genetic engineering is part of their daily lives and diet. Today, almost 70 percent of processed foods from a grocery store were genetically engineered. Genetic engineering can be in plants, foods, animals, and even humans. Although debates about genetic engineering still exist, many people have accepted due to the health benefits of gene therapy. The lack of knowledge has always
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Rancho Solano Private School ( Rsps ) - 1327 Words
Rancho Solano Private School (RSPS) had the reputation of being a high level academic institution which had a robust and advanced curriculum. RSPS was recognized as having high quality educators as well as a state-of-art campus. In 2007, the private school joined with the Meritas Family of Schools. In 2010, RSPS started itsââ¬â¢ International Baccalaureate Programme School. In 2013, RSPSââ¬â¢s reputation started to decline with the sudden retirement announcement of the head of the school and the concern within the community that the school was closing. Continued poor communication, inadequate fiscal management and lack of honestly eventually led to the demise Meritas Family of Schools in Arizona. In order to restructure and reestablish the Meritas Family of Schools in Arizona, three subsystems within the organization need to be reformed. The governance subsystem needs to clearly identify their core values, create an open and honest atmosphere, as well as consistently support th eir educators and curriculum by providing policies and resources to meet the needs of the organization (Reigeluth, 1995). The administrative subsystem needs to identify and support the development of a robust curriculum, as well as work in collaboration with the community, staff, parents and students to identify and maintain the goals of the organization. The instructional subsystem will need to design programs that are aligned with the state standards and offer high standards of education that will engageShow MoreRelatedCollege Preparatory School : An Exciting Period Of Growth1479 Words à |à 6 PagesWhy would a school that prides itself on being ââ¬Å"engaged in an exciting period of growthâ⬠(Carney, Sandoe Associates, 2013, para. 3) and ââ¬Å"operating under the slogan ââ¬Å"Four Campuses in One Great Schoolâ⬠(Carney et al., 2013, para. 2) make the decision to close two of its campuses? Rancho Solano, a for profit college preparatory school, recently made the decision to close two locations leaving parents, students, and faculty wondering why. According to Dr. Menard, head of the schools, consolidatingRead MoreThe General Environmental Issues Facing Rancho Solano1017 Words à |à 5 PagesIn reviewing the situation, the general environmental issues facing Rancho Solano are economic and social-cultural matters. The specific environmental forces include primarily the stakeholdersââ¬âthe students, their families, and faculty. The general environmental issues have put strain on the Gilbert and Hillcrest campuses because ââ¬Å"keeping a private school in business and expanding can be a challenge. Enrollment in private schools has declined about 9 percent in Maricopa County in the past five yearsRead MoreCase Study Analysis : Human Resource Management1400 Words à |à 6 Pageswill delve into the Rancho Solana Private School, who recently experienced reorganization and restructuring. These changes created controversy amongst the stake holders. With the recent controversy surrounding the educational institution, should Rancho Solano be tasks to make changes to the subsystems to avoid employee turnover and attract quality educators with a focus on professional development? Rancho Solano Private School The case of Rancho Solano Private School (RSPS) represents an organizationsRead MoreRancho Solano Project1847 Words à |à 8 PagesMGT-420 Rancho Solano Project The consolidation of Rancho Solano started with the selling of the school to a for-profit company that was already operating several schools both nationally and abroad. Moving from non-profit to for-profit status triggered many changes. The mission of the once small private school changed according to Meritasââ¬â¢ educational goals. We must consider the fact that while the original Rancho Solano founders wished to have a small, close knit school that providedRead MoreCase Study Analysis : Human Resource Management1471 Words à |à 6 Pageswill delve into the Rancho Solana Private School, who recently experienced reorganization and restructuring. These changes created controversy amongst the stakeholders. With the recent controversy surrounding the educational institution, should Rancho Solano be tasks to make changes to the subsystems to avoid employee turnover and attract quality educators with a focus on professional development? Rancho Solano Private School The case of Rancho Solano Private School (RSPS) represents an organizationsRead MoreThe High End Private School Essay1334 Words à |à 6 Pageshigh end private school segment has great potential for success. Rancho Solano Preparatory School (RSPS) has had many successes, but also many challenges on their journey to becoming one of the best private school options in Arizona. To continue success, Rancho Solano must make significant investments and a commitment to change internally and externally. This can be achieved by focusing on improving some of the subsystems of the organization as well as people involved operationally. RSPS is madeRead MoreAnalysis Of Rancho Solano Preparatory School1438 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Rancho Solano Preparatory School (RSPS) was founded in 1954 and for decades was highly praised by parents as being family-oriented and community-centered. In 2007, the school was sold to Meritas Family of Schools and within the subsequent seven years changed its strategy to one with international interests. Other changes in the school were not so positive and included an increased lack of transparency with parents and teachers, which resulted in a gradual disconnect with the community
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Cost of Communication Security Issues - 558 Words
Cost of communication security issue Although mobilize workforce such as mobile phone or laptop computer giving an opportunity for company and employees to maximize recourses. Nerveless, it also exhibits a security risk that may cost a loss to the organization. At best, the organization could get the financial losses or data losses. At worst, the result for an organization may be lost productivities and negative publicity. The results for communication security issue will be discussed separate in the following section. a. Leaking information Leaking information through mobility and social network has become one of the most important damages to organization due to the leaking information by their employees. Employeeââ¬â¢s irresponsible use of social media such as Facebook or twitter can cause damage of organization in terms of putting companyââ¬â¢s networks under the risk of malware. The consequence for leaking information can be small as loss opportunity; also can be larger as organizationââ¬â¢s security. For example, according to the news in 2010, ââ¬Å"British Ministry of Defence staff has leaked secret information onto social-networking sites sixteen times in 18 months.â⬠(Mansfield, 2010). The information leakage will both benefit the adversaries and detriment the organizations. Leaking information are not only for company, To make it worse, Facebook profiles are now available to be downloaded from torrent sites exposing more than 170 million usersââ¬â¢ information globally (Paul, 2010).Show MoreRel atedThe Advantage of VPN Security and Design735 Words à |à 3 Pagesorganization ensures security that non-authenticated user can intercept the encrypted data. This article will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages when VPN comes to its security and design to a higher level of secure communication when compared to other remote methods of communications, the cost to set up VPNs within an organization, and the scalability and flexibility in terms of growing with the company and adding new users to the network. The advantage of VPN security and design is thatRead MoreInformation Technology for Business1449 Words à |à 6 Pagesbusiness to conduct commerce across the US and on a global scale (Munson, 2011). Office technologies have advanced and have allowed business to advance to a point of doing business with global customers, not just their own areas. It has created a communication standard that is faster and enables businesses to conduct business at faster levels than ever before. But with new technologies problems also arise that need to be addressed. Types of Information Technologies The most prominent example of informationRead MoreVulnerability and Threat Assessment of TVA Locations in North Alabama Region1075 Words à |à 4 PagesLocations in North Alabama Region Vulnerability and Threat Assessment of TVA Locations in North Alabama Region Objective The objective of this work in writing is to choose three locations and to complete vulnerability and threat assessments of security in order of priority. The locations chosen for the assessment are those of Wheeler Dam and Wilson Dam in North Alabama and Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, also located in the North Alabama area. These facilities are all TVA facilities and as such areRead MoreA Brief Note On The Internal Revenue Service1153 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Internal Revenue Service is trying to preserve and protect the availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization and security controls of all employees and also the taxpayers. In the context of IRS information security, availability is generally expressed as the amount of time users can use a system, application and data, where user refers employees and taxpayers. Integrity refers the validity and accuracy of data. For IRS, data and information are intellectual propertyRead MoreUniversal Plastic : An Asian Lo cation1596 Words à |à 7 Pagesstable politics, low-cost labor, non-represented workforce, low-cost entry, and reasonable medium-term sustained cost. Based on an initial investigation, the candidate countries include China, Taiwan, Korea, and Vietnam. Each country is not perfect, but each has specific advantages and disadvantages. For example, according to Huang, Zhan, and Liu, (2013), the manufacturing in China, specifically the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, processes increasing business operating costs because of currencyRead MoreMgmt 404 Project Essay1534 Words à |à 7 Pagesstatementâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦3-4 Work breakdown structureâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..5 Network diagramâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦....6 Risk management planâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦7-8 Resource management planâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦8 Communication management planâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦9-10 Scope Statement Project Overview Statement Executive Summary ________________________________________ Project Name: Self-checking registers Department: Bookstore Last Updated: NovemberRead MoreOutlook 2015 For The Ict Sector1588 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe ICT sector Definition Information and Communication Technology is defined as convergence of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks using a link system. There is a cost savings due to merge of telephone network with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution and management. Outlook 2015 Current Information and Communication technology includes big data, the cloud, mobile communication, and social media. These ICT developments markedRead MorePlanning And Budgeting For An Incident Response Essay1272 Words à |à 6 Pagestheir efforts, and they are targeting large and small organizations across virtually every sector. The consensus of security professionals is that it is only a matter of time before every organization will suffer a breach. This makes it essential for enterprises to plan how they will respond when the breach occurs. Such a plan can also make it easier to budget for a cyber security incident response. Begin by Creating in an Incident Response Plan It is impossible to create an accurate budget forRead MoreSecurity Management Models for Information Systems Essay1075 Words à |à 5 PagesBackground Security management within the context of information systems ââ¬Å"needs a paradigm shift in order to successfully protect information assetsâ⬠(Eloff Eloff, 2003). Due the rapid increase in information security threats, security management measures have been taken to proactively remedy the growing threat facing information security. As a result of this, security management ââ¬Å"is becoming more complex everyday, many organizationââ¬â¢s security systems are failing, with serious resultsâ⬠(Fumey-NassahRead MoreThe Growth Of The Internet1030 Words à |à 5 Pagescontent. Conceptualization of transaction cost economies is important in making decision to subscribe for online video streaming. Transaction cost refers to cost incurred in making transaction (Groenewegen, 1996). 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Managerial Accounting And The Certified Management
Managerial accounting is used by an organization to ensure informed decisions are made regarding current and future operations. Businessmen and women must have the ability to comprehend financial information provided to properly determine the correct course of action. In the global market of today, an organizationââ¬â¢s inability to accurately determine the best course of action can lead to financial ruin for the company. Uninformed decisions by leadership can derail a businessââ¬â¢ prospects for success in the future. Business leaders must understand the differences between managerial and financial accounting, additional information needed for internal purposes, the evolution of managerial accounting, and the Certified Management (CMA)â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦An example of this is preparing next yearââ¬â¢s budget in the current year so leaders are informed of any constraints in the upcoming year. Documents created in financial accounting must adhere to regulation s such as GAAP and IFRS. Once completed, these documents are verified by a certified public accountant (CPA) annually. These reports are summaries of the organizationââ¬â¢s performance as a unit and concentrate on sufficient disclosure of required information. Managerial accounting documents are not regulated by guiding principles. They are generally presented in a cost benefit analysis format. There is no audit of these documents as they are for internal use only. These reports are more detailed than the documents in financial accounting and often provide performance information on each department and shift of an organization over a relatively short time frame. The goal of this information is to provide any course corrections before issues or problems become out of control. These differences in the sectors of accounting lead to a difference in the need and use of information for internal purposes. 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Jackie robinson 4 Essay Example For Students
Jackie robinson 4 Essay The Great One He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and the true American champion. Ronald Reagon. I dont know if anyone could have summarized his life better. Jackie was a great influence to the American public. To over came diversity and succeed is a great accomplishment. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia, January 31 1919. He went to college at the University of UCLA. Where he was a star in four sports basketball, baseball, football, and track. He is the only bruin to letter in four sports. After college he went to pursue a career in the Army. He soon became a lieutenant. He was put on honorable discharge for seating in a white person seat in the Army bus. In 1947, he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers to become the first African-American to play modern day baseball. He won rookie of the year, and was only the begging for the awards he would receive. He later receive MVP, and elected into the Hall Of Fame. He brought many kinds of fans to the game if baseball. His style of playing brought excitement back to the game. As much of the world like to watch him there were some who hated him. He received much hate mail from all kinds of people. He received letters threaten to kill him if he was to step on their hometown field with the other white players. A fellow baseball player from the opposing team slid into him putting a big gash in his knee that would take him out of the game. He was not the first black player in the major league baseball; neither was he the first black star athlete. Words cannot describe what he brought to the game of baseball and the rest of America. His success in baseball proved that blacks and white can coexist, and corporate well together. His importance to the public was more then just playing baseball. Robinsons importance continues after his baseball career. After he retired in 1956, he became active in the NAACP and the civil rights movement. He put forth his baseball career and decade his life to improving African Americans status in society. Many black people looked for to him for help and support. He didnt care what people thought of him. Fir example, while he was on the road with his baseball team his refusal to sit in the black section of a hotel resulted in the integration of many white hotels around the states. Robinson was setting the example for the rest of his followers to follow. He would later serve as a special assistant for civil rights Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He also was vice president of a restaurant chain in New York. His achievements were great. Today when you see blacks and whites on the same field or working together thank Jackie for that. .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Black Panthers Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Black Panthers Essay, Research Paper . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; . ; ; Use of Nitrogen as a Fertilizer In 1898, the president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Sir William Crookes, startled a distinguished scientific audience when he declared during his presidential reference that # 8220 ; England and all civilised states stand in deathly hazard of non holding plenty to eat. # 8221 ; The deathly hazard that Sir William foresaw was the inability of husbandmans to fulfill the increasing demand for nutrient given current supplies of N. At the clip of Sir William # 8217 ; s reference, the chief beginnings of N fertilisers were sodium nitrate and ammonium sulfate. Sodium nitrate was obtained from huge sedimentations of nitrate-bearing stones, called hardpan, that had been discovered in Chile at the beginning of the 19th century. Ammonium sulphate was obtained from coal gas. Other beginnings of N included sewerage, guano ( bird dungs ) , and manure, but these were of worsening importance. Sir William suggested that to run into the universe # 8217 ; s increasing N demands, chemists must develop methods for unnaturally repairing atmospheric N. A successful response to this challenge was made by the German scientist Fritz Haber. Haber created a method for synthesising ammonium hydroxide from N and H, which was later developed into an industrial procedure by the industrial chemist Carl Bosch and became known as the Haber-Bosch method. At the beginning of the First World War, the estimated universe one-year production of N fertilisers was about 0.6 million dozenss, compared to universe production of 2.5 and 1.0 million dozenss of P and K fertilisers, severally. Today, chiefly because of the Haber- Bosch procedure, this tendency has been reversed. Presently, the United States entirely yearly produces about 12 million dozenss of N fertilisers, compared with 10 million dozenss of P and merely 2 million dozenss of K fertilisers. With today # 8217 ; s high inputs of N fertilisers, American husbandmans routinely achieve degrees of harvest productiveness that would hold seemed unlikely to Sir William Crookes and his fellow scientists. In the past 50 old ages, for illustration, the mean one-year outputs of maize in the United States have increased by a factor of four or five. This progress in agricultural productiveness, and the fertiliser usage upon which it depends, is indispensable if the universe # 8217 ; s population is to be sustained. Unfortunately, these additions have incurred environmental costs ; some N applied to harvests flights to land and surface Waterss, sometimes with detrimental effects. Nitrogen in Plants, Soil, and Groundwater Good harvest outputs depend on an equal supply of N. Most nonlegume harvests require added N to accomplish the outputs required today. Missing sufficient N, workss normally become xanthous and stunted, with smaller than mean flowers and fruits. For illustration, grain harvests grown with unequal N produce a hapless output with low protein content. Without N fertilisers, an estimated tierce of our current agricultural production would be lost. Under most conditions, nevertheless, husbandmans supply more than twice the N required by a harvest to accomplish the best outputs. Unfortunately, much of the applied N is nomadic in dirt and may be carried to groundwater, perchance polluting imbibing H2O supplies. ( See Cornell Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 400.02, Nitrate Health Effects in Drinking Water, for a treatment of this issue. ) Understanding the chemical science of N in dirts can assist husbandmans provide sufficient N for harvest demands without losing inordinate sums to implicit in groundwater. Forms of Soil Nitrogen. Nitrogen occurs of course in many signifiers. In the dirt, it exists in two major categories of compounds: Organic N, such as proteins, aminic acids, and urea, including N found within life beings and disintegrating works and animate being tissues. Inorganic N, including ammonium ( NH4+ ) , ammonia gas ( NH3 ) , nitrite ( N02 ) , and nitrate ( N03 ) . Within these two signifiers, there are many different N compounds. Some are soluble and others are comparatively indissoluble ; some are nomadic in dirt and others are immobile ; and some are available for works consumption and others are non. Nitrogen in dirt is continually being transformed among these assorted signifiers through a complex web of physical, chemical, and biological reactions jointly called the N rhythm. The Nitrogen Cycle. The nitrogen rhythm in dirt includes the undermentioned procedures, in which microbes play a important function ( fig 1. See fact sheet ) : Arrested development. Ninety per centum of the Earth # 8217 ; s N is in the ambiance in the signifier of dinitrogen gas ( N2 ) . Gaseous N is chemically stable and unserviceable by most biological beings. Some species of bacteriums absorb atmospheric dinitrogen gas and change over it into ammonium, which workss can utilize. This procedure, called N arrested development, is the chief natural agencies by which atmospheric N is added to the dirt. Mineralization. As works and other organic residues decompose, N is converted to ammonium by dirt micro-organisms through a procedure known as mineralization. Plant roots absorb some of the ammonium, and some is chemically converted to gaseous ammonium hydroxide and lost to the ambiance. Nitrification. Bacteria transform the ammonium in the dirt to nitrite and so to nitrate in a sequence of stairss called nitrification. Plant consumption. Nitrate is a negatively charged anion and hence normally remains in the dirt H2O instead than being adsorbed to dirty atoms. Plants readily absorb nitrate through their roots and utilize it to bring forth protein. Leaching. The nitrate non captured by works roots is free to travel with dirt H2O. This can ensue in important leaching, or motion of the nitrate to deeper dirt deepnesss. Denitrification. Where there is a shortage of O in the dirt, called an anaerobiotic status, some bacteriums meet their energy demands by cut downing nitrate to dinitrogen gas or to nitrogen oxide ( N2O ) . This biological procedure is called denitrification. It consequences in a loss of N from the dirt and the return of N to the ambiance. Destiny of Nitrogen in the Field In the dirt of any farm field, N is in a uninterrupted province of flux. Losses occur when harvests are removed for farm animal provender or human nutrient, which frequently is consumed far from the land on which it was produced. Surface overflow and attendant dirt eroding can besides do important losingss of dirt N. Other losingss occur through volatilization of ammonium hydroxide and leaching or denitrification of nitrate. Three types of inputs can counterbalance for N losingss in farm Fieldss: ( 1 ) fertilisation, ( 2 ) N arrested development by leguminous plants, and ( 3 ) supplementation with manure or other organic affair high in N. Farm direction of dirt N depends on an apprehension of these inputs and end products so that harvest demands can be adequately met without inordinate N losingss to the environment. Gaseous Losingss of Nitrogen. In cultivated Fieldss, N is converted into gas and released into the ambiance in two ways. First, when urea and ammonium signifiers of fertilisers ( such as anhydrous ammonium hydroxide, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, and ammoniated phosphates ) are deposited on moist surfaces, they may undergo a series of chemical transitions to ammonia. The ammonium hydroxide gas so escapes to the ambiance instead than going a works food. This loss, termed volatilization, is reduced if the fertiliser is washed into the dirt by rain or irrigation or if the fertiliser is drilled into the dirt to a deepness of an inch or more. The 2nd path by which N is lost to the ambiance is through denitrification. If pockets in the dirt become saturated with H2O so that O is excluded, denitrifying bacteriums can cut down the nitrate to dinitrogen or nitrogen oxide gas. Poorly drained and heavy dirts are peculiarly prone to denitrification, and a significant sum of applied N may be lost to the ambiance. In some nonagricultural instances, denitrification is good. In infected armored combat vehicles and leaching Fieldss, for illustration, denitrification releases nitrogen to the air as a gas, cut downing the sum of nitrate available for possible taint of land and surface Waterss. Conversion of Nitrogen to a Plant-Available Form. Merely inorganic N can be absorbed by workss. The greater portion of N in the field, nevertheless, is normally in organic signifier such as proteins and aminic acids. Under normal conditions in the Northern hemisphere, merely about 2 or 3 per centum of the organic N in dirt is converted to inorganic N each twelvemonth. The natural decay of organic affair provides a slow but uninterrupted supply of N, which tends to be taken up by workss instead than lost to the ambiance or to H2O. Legumes can supplement dirt N supplies by repairing N from the ambiance. This is accomplished by nitrogen-fixing bacteriums populating in nodules on the works roots. Leaching of Nitrate. Nitrate does non adsorb strongly to dirty atoms. If non taken up by workss, nitrate will be either denitrified or carried below the root zone, possibly to groundwater. Factors that determine whether nitrate will make groundwater include: the sum of nitrate in the dirt, the measure and timing of rainfall or irrigation, the dirt # 8217 ; s capacity to keep H2O, the presence and denseness of workss, the rates of infiltration and infiltration of H2O through the dirt, the rate of evapotranspiration relation to precipitation and irrigation, and the dirt temperature. In the eastern United States, the chance for nitrate leaching is greatest in early spring and in the autumn. Rainfall tends to be frequent and heavy during these seasons, and the low rates of works growing and evapotranspiration license more of the added H2O to leach downward to groundwater. Plant consumption of dissolved foods besides is low during these periods, so leaching losingss tend to be high. Soil type is a major factor act uponing the grade to which nitrate is lost to groundwater. Sandy or other really good drained dirts are most vulnerable to leaching losingss. Farmers can make small to alter the character of the dirts in their Fieldss. Likewise, they have no control ove r the vagaries of the conditions. What, so, can husbandmans make to conserve a valuable harvest food while minimising nitrate taint of groundwater? Fertilize Crops, Not Groundwater To utilize fertiliser N right, take the undermentioned stairss for nonlegume harvests: Establish a realistic end for harvest output, and from this end gauge the sum of N that the harvest must roll up. Estimate the sum of N that will be supplied by the mineralization of dirt organic N and harvest residues. Use any available manure N to supplement the dirt and harvest residue supplies. If necessary, supplement these nitrogen beginnings with adequate fertiliser to run into the output end for the peculiar harvest. Apply any needful fertiliser merely before the period of most rapid harvest consumption to minimise leaching and denitrification. These stairss are to the full described in the Cornell Field Crops and Soils Handbook, the 1990 Cornell Recommends for Field Crops, and two fact sheets by Klausner and Bouldin ( see # 8220 ; For Further Reading # 8221 ; for mention information ) . One method of increasing the efficiency of fertiliser usage and diminishing the sum lost to groundwater is to detain a part of the nitrogen application until the harvest is turning instead than using it all at the clip of seting ( fig. 2. See fact sheet ) . Field experiments have shown that dividing fertiliser applications can increase the efficiency of N usage, maintain harvest outputs, and lessening fertiliser costs. Another technique for run intoing harvest demands while diminishing leaching losingss is to provide N in an organic signifier such as manure or leguminous plant residues. Because organic N is bit by bit converted into inorganic N, merely little sums are in a soluble signifier susceptible to leaching at any one clip. It is estimated that the sum of atmospheric N taken up by leguminous plants approximately equals the sum removed by reaping. If harvested hay is removed from the farm, so dirt N should stay about changeless. If the hay is fed to animate beings on the farm, about one-half of the N can be returned to the Fieldss if the manure is handled carefully. To avoid inordinate N losingss through volatilization, overflow, and leaching, follow these processs in managing manures: Collect manure every bit shortly as possible after it is deposited, and conserve the liquid part. Shop manure under conditions that prevent drying or drainage Apply manure to the field near to the clip of planting, so that the available N will be taken up by workss instead than leached, lost to the ambiance, or converted to organic signifiers. Plow manure under every bit shortly as possible after distributing to minimise ammonia volatilization. ( See the two fact sheets by Klausner and Bouldin for more information on manure direction. ) Decisions Nitrogen is likely to be in short supply for harvest production unless supplemented by legume harvest residues or by the application of fertilisers, manures, or other high-nitrogen stuffs. Nitrogen repairing microbes replenish dirt N by change overing the comparatively inert N of the ambiance into a signifier that can be used by populating beings. Since biological arrested development of N is non normally sufficient to run into the demands of intensive harvest production, nevertheless, extra beginnings may be needed. Fertilization strategies should be designed to run into harvest N needs without losing inordinate sums of N to groundwater. This is accomplished by gauging N demands and run intoing these demands every bit much as possible with manure or other organic beginnings. The greatest potency for nitrate leaching occurs if fertiliser is applied at a clip when no harvests are turning, such as during spring planting or in the autumn after crop. Leaching losingss can be reduced by using N in increases during the periods of rapid works growing. Using manure or slow- release fertilisers besides limits leaching.losses because plant-available ( and leachable ) N is supplied bit by bit instead than all at one time. Even with these beginnings, nevertheless, leaching can happen if the N supplied exceeds the ability of the harvest to utilize it. Turning leguminous plants and utilizing organic dirt amendments enrich the dirt with organic N, which does non leach and provides a uninterrupted supply of plant- available N as it slowly decomposes. Adding organic affair to dirty provides extra benefits by heightening the dirt # 8217 ; s ability to retain H2O and dissolved foods in the root zone where they are available to workss. Protecting organic surface soils from eroding, supplying organic dirt amendments, and pull offing H2O and fertiliser applications for upper limit works consumption will take to efficient fertiliser usage and protection of groundwater quality. Basic Information Name: Nitrogen Symbol: N Atomic Number: 7 Atomic Mass: 14.00674 amu Melting Point: -209.9? C ( 63.250008? K, -345.81998? F ) Boiling Point: -195.8? C ( 77.35? K, -320.44? F ) Number of Protons/Electrons: 7 Number of Neutrons: 7 Categorization: Non-metal Crystal Structure: Hexangular Density @ 293 K: 1.2506 g/cm3 Color: colorless Facts Date of Discovery: 1772 Inventor: Daniel Rutherford Name Origin: Grecian Uses: signifiers most of atmosphere Obtained From: from liquid air Description Nitrogen is a Group 15 component. Nitrogen makes up approximately 78 % of the ambiance by volume. The ambiance of Mars contains less than 3 % N. Nitrogen can be obtained by liquefaction and fractional distillment from air. The component seemed so inert that Lavoisier named it azote, intending # 8220 ; without life # 8221 ; . However, its compounds are critical constituents of nutrients, fertilisers, and explosives. Nitrogen gas is colorless, odorless, and by and large inert. As a liquid it is besides colorless and odorless, and is similar in visual aspect to H2O. When N is heated, it combines straight with Mg, Li, or Ca. When assorted with O and subjected to electric flickers, it forms azotic oxide ( NO ) and so the dioxide ( NO2 ) . When heated under force per unit area with H in the presence of a suited accelerator, ammonium hydroxide signifiers ( Haber procedure ) . Nitrogen is # 8220 ; fixed # 8221 ; from the ambiance by bacteriums in the roots of certain workss such as trefoil. Hence the utility of trefoil in harvest rotary motion. General information Inventor: Daniel Rutherford Date discovered: 1772 Discovered at: Scotland Meaning of name: From the Greek words # 8220 ; nitron cistrons # 8221 ; intending # 8220 ; nitre # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; organizing # 8221 ; and the Latin word # 8220 ; nitrum # 8221 ; ( nitre is a common name for K nitrate, KNO # ) Physical informations Standard province: gas at 298 K Color: colorless Density of solid at ambient temperature/kg m-3: no informations Molar volume/cm3: 13.54 Temperatures ( /K ) runing point: 63.05 boiling point: 77.36 I. Introduction Nitrogen, symbol N, gaseous component that makes up the largest part of the Earth # 8217 ; s atmosphere. The atomic figure of N is 7. Nitrogen is in group 15 ( or Va ) of the periodic table Nitrogen was isolated by the British doctor Daniel Rutherford in 1772 and recognized as an elemental gas by the Gallic chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier about 1776. II. Properties Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, atoxic gas. It can be condensed into a colorless liquid, which can in bend be compressed into a colorless, crystalline solid. Nitrogen exists in two natural isotopic signifiers, and four radioactive isotopes have been unnaturally prepared. Nitrogen thaws at -210.01? C ( -346.02? F ) , boils at -195.79? C ( -320.42? F ) , and has a denseness of 1.251 g/liter at 0? C ( 32? F ) and 1 atmosphere force per unit area. The atomic weight of N is 14.007. Nitrogen is obtained from the ambiance by go throughing air over heated Cu or Fe. The O is removed from the air, go forthing N asso rted with inert gases. Pure N is obtained by fractional distillment of liquid air ; because liquid N has a lower boiling point than liquid O, the N distills off first and can be collected. Nitrogen composes about four-fifths ( 78.03 per centum ) by volume of the ambiance. Nitrogen is inert and serves as a dilutant for O in combustion and respiration procedures. It is an of import component in works nutrition ; certain bacteriums in the dirt convert atmospheric N into a signifier, such as nitrate, that can be absorbed by workss, a procedure called nitrogen arrested development. Nitrogen in the signifier of protein is an of import component of carnal tissue. The component occurs in the combined province in minerals, of which potassium nitrate ( KNO3 ) and Chile potassium nitrate ( NaNO3 ) are commercially of import merchandises. Nitrogen combines with other elements merely at really high temperatures or force per unit areas. It is converted to an active signifier by go throughing thro ugh an electric discharge at low force per unit area. The N so produced is really active, uniting with alkali metals to organize azides ; with the vapour of Zn, quicksilver Cd, and arsenic to organize nitrides ; and with many hydrocarbons to organize hydrocyanic acid and nitriles, besides known as cyanides. Activated N returns to ordinary N in about one minute. In the combined province N takes portion in many reactions ; it forms so many compounds that a systematic strategy of compounds incorporating N in topographic point of O was created by the American chemist Edward Franklin. In compounds nitrogen exists in all the valency provinces between -3 and +5. Ammonia, hydrazine, and hydroxylamine represent compounds in which the valency of N is -3, -2, and -1, severally. Oxides of nitrogen represent N in all the positive valency provinces. III. Uses Most of the N used in the chemical industry is obtained by the fractional distillment of liquid air. It is so used to synthesise ammonium hydroxide. From ammonium hydroxide produced in this mode, a broad assortment of of import chemical merchandises are prepared, including fertilisers, azotic acid, urea, hydrazine, and aminoalkanes. In add-on, an ammonium hydroxide compound is used in the readying of azotic oxide ( N2O ) a colorless gas popularly known as express joying gas. Assorted with O, azotic oxide is used as an anaesthetic for some types of surgery. Used as a coolant, liquid N has found widespread application in the field of cryogenies. With the recent coming of ceramic stuffs that become superconductive at the boiling point of N, the usage of N as a coolant is increasing ( see Superconductivity ) .
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